• 2 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    WR = 2st Enduro & CR = 2st Cross

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

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    Thanks for your patience and support!

125-200cc Calling all CR125 people with set up questions


A Class

A customer of mine just bought a CR125 from us. He wanted a light, revy, two stroke for the woods. A WR would have probably been better, but I only have a CR. This guy is an amazing rider, and some of the bikes he has built for him self are even more amazing. He liked what I did to his Ducati so much, he wants me to prep his CR. I am out of my knowledge zone with this bike. I am a Ducati guy, and all my offroad bike experience is with 4 stroke husky's. I think we have so like 10 two strokes in the last 3 years and all of them went to experienced two stroke guys who set them up themselves.

Here are my questions:

Should we switch to a WR ignition module? Or buy the one Ferracci sells? Is there a better one?

Should I put a different exspansion chamber on? If so, What one?

What muffler should we get him? He needs a spark arrestor on it.

It has a 19" rear wheel. I think he will run that for a bit, but then have us lace up an 18.

Of course we will put proper hand guards and a bash plate on it.

I am not sure about the gearing. It may be fine, but he will have to ride it first to know.

I think I can get the suspension set up for him. I know he likes a fairly soft bike, and we is a little stocky guy who probably weighs about 175.

Any CR or general two stroke tips would be helpfull. I want the bike to work perfect for him. He is putting his dad to sleep this week (yes, like an old dog, Oregon has assisted suicide) after a quick and painfull bout with lung cancer. I think he is probably going to toss a few bikes in his truck (1948 COE on an F250 drive train !!) and head to warmer weather to get his head together.

If time was not an issue, I would probably have Uptite make me one of his 166 kits. At the dealer meeting, I road the CR in the woods quite a bit and loved it. Malcom Smith stated it was one of his favorites besides the TXC 250.

I bought a new 04 CR125 and outfitted it for woods. Fun bike but limited me in the really steep nasty stuff so I let it go. Super fun. My findings in the short time I had it.

Pipes - tried several, seemed to move the power around but never really added a lot. I liked the Doma.

I built a "power now" carb divider plates for the front and back of the slide and this really gave it more roll on power and torque feeling.

The suspension was kinda harsh for me. Needed revalved for anyone over 125 pounds IMHO.

Mine had to have a damper. Not trying to sell you one as we really don't make a good kit for that right now. Just saying that in the upper 3 gears things got pretty scary.

I would leave the 19" rear wheel if he is a good rider. The 125's need to spool up ASAP often. A newer rider might like more flywheel affect for hills and stuff but I found I wanted more and quicker power.

I thought I had mine pretty dialed and it was super fun. I have ridden a friends 07 WR125 and it is a better off road bike for many reasons. The motor on the WR while being kinda soft will crawl up hills mine would not do. More bottom end in trade for more top. Maybe the WR ignition is a good idea :excuseme:

IMS has a big tank for it. Utah makes a simple effective skidplate for it.

That's all I got, sorry I could not help more.

He might like the CR ignition if he is a fast rider and wants lots of quick revs. If the Ferracci unit has a ‘WR’ setting that would be great too but I don’t know anything about it.

From what I have heard the newer stock pipes are as good as anything else.

I run the Turbine Core II and it works well. Also it bolts right up to the stock pipe.

The stock gearing is kind of high, maybe it would work in Bend though? 13/52 or 12/49 seem to be popular. The 12t is only available oem and is expensive.

The stock springs might work for his weight. The forks usually come with an oil height of 80mm, drop them to 110. A revalve would of course be best. I hear good things about LTR, Ace, and Ferracci. There are probably others that do good work.

You might be able to get some jetting tips from the 2t board on thumpertalk. Bill in Salem modifies the jetting stock and seems to have decent settings. I forgot what they were but you could give him a call. For the money though the best upgrade you can do is to just replace the Mikuni with a Keihin PWK. It will help the bottom end a lot and be much easier to jet. It is the only engine mod I consider mandatory and would do it way before even considering a pipe.

Everyone who has a Eric Gorr 144 seem really happy. A 135 from Eric or FBF will still rev like a 125 from what I hear but is not a huge power increase. I’ve never ridden any of them myself though. He might want to try it stock first though. I thought I would get a big bore when I bought my WR125 but it has enough power as it is.
Thanks Kelly

I was going to have Sean call and get a skid plate from you, but if your sugesting Utah, then you must not make one that fits.
I think George at Uptite does some stuff for these, he mentioned something about 125's at the dealer meeting, I'll check with him.
I agree it is a little tuff to climb hills on it, the one I rode in Atlanta was an all or nothing sort of thing. This guy does know how to ride so he should be ok.
BendEuroMoto;8729 said:
I was going to have Sean call and get a skid plate from you, but if your sugesting Utah, then you must not make one that fits.
I think George at Uptite does some stuff for these, he mentioned something about 125's at the dealer meeting, I'll check with him.
I agree it is a little tuff to climb hills on it, the one I rode in Atlanta was an all or nothing sort of thing. This guy does know how to ride so he should be ok.

no problem. We do not make a plate for it. Fun little bike. It's not real hard to build and install the carb divider plates and I thought that made a good difference in pull and hills.

BTW I rode a YZ125 with a 167 kit in it once and was really impressed. KTM200 type power but a little more 125 hit to it and slightly less HP overall.
From my research the only skid plate the bolts right up without modifications is the CRD and I could not find it anywere. I use the FBF one but it is a glide plate and not really thick. It does bolt right up though. It is enough on the WR because it has the extra fraim rails that protect the engine but I don't think the CR frame has those.
rancher1;8742 said:
NWRider, which turbine core II do you use? Is it one specifically for the husky ? Thanks.

It is specific to Husky, #025094 03-06 125s(also for 07,08), #020315 00-02 125s #020316 92-99 125s.

+1 to all the info above. I have an 07 WR 125 and am running 38PWK w/RB divider plate, FMF fatty/Turbine CORE 2, .3mm base gasket, FBF GP piston, FBF glide plate.

The suspension has been good to me, only two clicks off stock front and back, I'm 5'10 175-180, the suspension is a little harsh until broken in(takes several rides). I haven't ridden a CR, but a few on here ride them bone stock and do extremely well.
The only 2008 CR 125 I have ridden is the same one you rode but I think the jetting was off a little on that thing, kind of burbled at times coming onto the pipe. I can't recall of any 125 I have ridden with more top end than that one though. The thing would flat scream to what felt like 20,000 rpm. I have heard that there is not that much gain with the FBF iginition module. It takes trial and error to get the bike spot on but if I had a '08 CR 125 I would first get the jetting as close as possible, check the deck height, possibly retard the timing a hair to try and move a little more power down a little, check the new V-force 3 reeds to see if have the high/low setting and experiment with that, maybe the carb dividers or a PWK 36 if time allows. I think on pipes the only thing you are going to find this short of time is the FMF which is not bad in my opinion. Most people on there first ride of a 125 comment on how light the bike is and then are looking for more pull off the bottom. On a 125 you kind of have to keep your corner speed up to make time. It is a great bike and I think even if you get the jetting correct he will be happy with it.
We ordered the turbine core muffler, I will lower the oil in the forks to 110 mm today. I will mess with the jetting when the muffler comes in.
The manual states to run a 32:1 mix for a tank, then I believe it says to run 40:1. I use the motul 800 2t in our two strokes. Any other break in recomendations?