1. 2 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    WR = 2st Enduro & CR = 2st Cross

125-200cc Sachs shock rebuild kit wanted

Discussion in '2 Stroke' started by guscycle, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. guscycle Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    '99 Husky CR250, '07 Husky WR125,
    Other Motorcycles:
    '10 Husky SMR450, '98 Husky Scooter
    I am trying to locate replacement REAR SHOCK parts for my '99 Husky CR250. I contacted WER but they don't offer replacement parts just rebuilds and I have had no luck reaching LT Racing over the past 5 days. Anyone know of a source? I can find a 16mm bumper but no luck sourcing seals, o-rings and possibly the piston( not sure at this time ,basically just started leaking oil from seal).
    Early GasGas had used the Sachs and Beta does but I think they are all running the18mm shaft. Thanx
  2. Hurky Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    ex: WR300 2010
    Other Motorcycles:
    Honda CR500AFX + Beta RR300
    Hi, last time I did the shock maintenance I needed to change the seals and instead of opting for expensive OEM parts I got the seals and bushing from this local store here in Spain:

    I am sure there are similar stores in the US, you need to find a suspension store that sells individual parts by size, not model of bike ... You need to carefully measure your seals, bushing etc. and find them by size .

    I remember the parts was from K-Tech and they have a US store: https://store.ktechsuspension.com/off-road/service-item/shock-absorber-service-kits.html

    Give it a try :D
    robj likes this.