Posting guidelines... what goes where? Where should I start my thread?

Discussion in 'General (Main)' started by Coffee, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    My goal for Cafe Husky is to make it as friendly as possible because in my opinion you people deserve the best. :thumbsup: To that end I wanted to see what people wanted to talk about, then put up forums accordingly, as opposed to setting up a bunch of forums which would sort of determine what was posted.....
    • Cafe Husky started with few forums - possibly only the Main forum.
    • As time progressed forums like the Cafe Office were added. About New Years eve 2008 the basic structure for the current Cafe Husky forums were shaped.
    • I did not post any "what goes where" rules because that would not be friendly (at all).
    • I sat and watch thousands of awesome posts being made and where they were being put, and why. Really cool watching that. :)
    • Based on all of that posting and all of my thinking - and a huge help from WoodsChick (ThinkingChick?) we have developed some guidelines of where threads should be started. These are to help people decide where to start threads, as of late people have been asking more and more.
    Several older threads from the Main forum have been moved to their ideal location, and some other threads will be moving as well. If the threads are current then a redirect will be left so people can find those threads for a while.

    These guidelines will eventually make their way into the Cafe Office and eventually the "FAQ" button will be renamed "About Cafe Husky". These guidelines simply reflect what is being done 98% of the time so there really is no change.

    Please post up any questions you may have. It may not look like it but these are as simple as they could be made.


    Posting Guidelines, where should you start your threads?

    To aid people searching for information years from now it would be great if things were posted in the right forums. Many topics could fit multiple forums but here are some general guidelines. If it is apparent that the thread would be better in another forum then it may be moved but those will be infrequent. ***

    When possible it would be good to start separate threads as needed in the proper forum. That means instead of 1 thread about your bike regarding graphics, valve clearances, and which tires to buy it would be better to start 3 separate threads.
    • Husqvarna Bikes (Bikes & Accessories) -> Discussions: These are for Husqvarna bikes & things that attach to the Husqvarna bikes, that would probably be of interest to the average person 2 years from now.
    • General -> Racing (Motorcycle Racing): self explanatory
    • General -> Newsroom (Bike Industry: press releases, magazine articles, rumors): self explanatory
    • General -> Get togethers & Ride Reports (Bike riding related...): self explanatory - feel free to use the calendar with a link to your thread :thumbsup:
    • General -> General (Main) (Things that don't fit in the other categories): This is the biking related catch-all forum. This is the forum to use for things that are not racing, news, meets & get togethers, or Husqvarna bike specific information that will be of interest in 2 years. "I wish they made a WR200" type posts should be here because it will not help someone 2 years from now. Other examples include things that do not attach to the bikes such as: riding gear, riding technique, random youtube videos, casual Husqvarna clothing & swag, non-Husky bikes, Land Use/Legislation, bench racing, chit chat... If the topic does not fit the other forums well, this is the forum to use.
    • General -> Cafe Diner (High class off-topic for members): This is the forum to use when the topic is not about bikes & similar activities, and/or things you would rather keep private (people need to be logged in to see it) Examples include: stereo equipment, favorite beer, Husqvarna lawn mowers & sewing machines, children's school activities, weddings, or anything else you do not want to share with the rest of the world.

    When in doubt about where to start a Husqvarna bike & accessory related thread ask yourself "2 years from now would a dentist in Iowa probably find the information of use?" If yes then post in Husqvarna Bikes (Bikes & Accessories), if no then post in the General (Main) forum.

    If you think that your thread belongs in the Husqvarna Bikes (Bikes & Accessories) -> Discussions section, this is how to determine where to start your thread:
    • Does the thread topic match the suggested list at the top of the common topics forum? If yes then probably common topics might be the best forum to use.
    • Does the thread topic apply to more than 1 forum? If yes, then it is a general question and should go in common topics. If no, use the specific forum. Example: "Can anyone recommend a suspension shop for Husqvarna bikes?" should go into the common topics. "Are there compression adjustments on the 2008 TE610s?" should probably go in the 610 forum.
    • Does the thread have general wording? If yes, then use a more general forum such as common topics.

    *** As previously stated, many topics could fit multiple forums, especially threads in the common topics vs the 2st/4st/610 sections. These guidelines are just to let everyone, especially myself and the moderators ;), know what the intent of the forums is. Every effort will be made to leave threads where they are started, but they may need to be moved.

    These are typical reasons threads may be moved
    1. It is clearly posted in the wrong forum
    2. The person that started the thread requests it
    We would like to avoid moving threads if possible
  2. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Nicely done, Dean!

    Edit: I changed a "there" to a "their"
  3. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Thanks for the edit :)

    I know it has been a painful process in developing what forums there are, what they should be called, and what descriptions the have. I think the Husqvarna Bike & General forums are now done extremely well.

    Other areas will probably be changed as time goes on.
  4. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Does everyone understand what the goal is?

    This is just for Husqvarna bikes, and things that bolt onto Husqvarna Bikes:
    Husqvarna Bikes (Bikes & Accessories)

    This is where the bike related news & rumors go:
    General -> Newsroom (Bike Industry: press releases, magazine articles, rumors)

    This part seems to be working well:
    General -> Get togethers & Ride Reports (Bike riding related...)

    This also seems to be going well:
    General -> Cafe Diner (High class off-topic for members)

    If it does not fit really well in those categories, it belongs here, does everyone understand?
    General -> General (Main) (Things that don't fit in the other categories)

    Make sense? News & rumors goes into news & rumors, the other things that people will not care too much about in 2 years when researching the bikes themselves, should not go into the Husqvarna Bike forums.

    Make sense? Just because people have a 2st, 4st, 610, or vintage bikes does not mean that all discussions should occur in those forums. At least I think it is ok to visit other forums like the Newsroom, Racing, etc.

  5. sam v Husqvarna
    C Class

    new mexico
  6. maicomatt Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    ktm 150sx honda grom
    Hi coffee, i would like to sell a 2008 te 510 , can i have permission to do so? and under what forum,great site just picked up a leftover 310r cant wait,matt
  7. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    As Huskydude the moderator indicated in a profile post for you, yes in the classifieds.

    Note: some of the information in the first post is obsolete, since we were using different software when that post was made.
  8. maicomatt Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    ktm 150sx honda grom
    thank you, going to try and post ad in classifieds today,matt
  9. MR54L Husqvarna
    A Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Well I did post in the wrong place and I can not delete the post, I have sent a message to admin requesting my post be deleted. I have not been on this forum for some time,
    My Fail
  10. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Please go to the thread you want deleted, then click on the 'Housekeeping" button and type in your request. That will generate a message with a link to the item you want deleted to several moderators - and any of them can delete.

    Thank you.