IBeat/JD Tuner settings. 2008 TE250

Discussion in 'EFI/carb' started by GrooveThang, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. GrooveThang Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2008 TE
    So I’ve owned my TE for exactly one year. She has been an absolute blast and runs well for me. When I acquired her she was in Power Up mode, desmogged, Throttle stop removed and had a JD 6x Tuner attached. The only departure from full Power Up was the PO had went back to the stock silencer to mollify his neighbors. She ran perfectly.
    I reattached the Arrow and noticed a tendency to stall and a flat spot between 5000-5500 RPM. I went to do research on tuning her up with the JD Tuner and noticed the Idle and low RPM settings in the tuner were very very lean compared to the consensus setting posted here. I tinkered with her just a little and turned the idle air bypass about a 1/4 turn. Now she idles at a steady 2000-2100 rpm when warm and only has a small flat spot and surge 5000. All in all she runs great....especially in the woods. No flame outs and feels strong. Fuel economy was shit though....About 35 mpg.
    So last week I got an opportunity to get iBeat from a member here. Hooked her up and was mystified by what I found. I saw why the JD tuner was set so lean.... CO settings 120.2 100 100. TPS 102.7. So....... do I reset to 100 100 100 and then go to 100.7 on TPS then use the JD settings from here? Do I leave well enough alone and let her run really rich and get garbage gas mileage? Is there more performance to be gained? Will I need to reset the hard stop on the throttle? Oh... and the idle air bypass is at 1 1/4 turns our while the experts say I should be at 2.5.

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