Hi Guys, I'm a lucky owner of the limited edition Meo replica, I believe only 100 models made and 5 delivered in Australia. Now that KTM owns the brand it's hard to find graphics and special parts, any one owns one too? Here is what it looks like: http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcycles/2012models/2012-Husqvarna-TE250-MeoReplica.htm
Alfredo- You're posting your question in the Australian "Get together" section. Post instead in the Italian 4-stroke section. Parts should be reasonably easy to find, graphics too. Except if you want Meo graphics.... that might be a little rougher. And Husky has a large presence in Oz. good luck.
Did you ever have any luck finding those graphics? Seems like it may be tough! Cool bike! You could possibly contact halls husqvarna out.of Springfield Illinois.. They are very good and knowledgeable and if they can't get them they could probably point you in the right direction... It would suck and be a little spendy but one of these graphic company's I'm sure could recreate the identical decals right down to color....just a bit.spendy ..good luck!
I'm looking for the original graphic kit..As a limited edition bike i think it should have the original stickers on it... it was silly by me not to take the original plasticks off and put some standard one for the bush...But too late now...Still looking for it.. All the Husky dealership don't have any old parts anymore...Especially limited edition stuff....
Hi Mate I haven't yet.. I'll take a look at your suggestions.. It's a cool bike to have , but always hard to find limited edition stuff.. I think it will be hard to sell my bike too..
. I think the red Italian bikes are getting tougher to sell around here as well value seems down on them. At least you have a cool bike!